Cornerstone Students


 Welcome Students!

We want to make you feel at home in Swansea and find a church family!

A bit more…

Cornerstone is more than a Sunday meeting; we love to invest in relationships, serve our community and see our walk with Jesus worked out in practical and life changing ways.

We want to help you find belonging here in Swansea and we’d love to meet you! We’re a young church made up of all generations but mostly ages 18 – 35. We meet Sunday mornings at 11am at Venue 2.

If you are new to Swansea, we’ve got you covered! We have a mini bus which will pick you up from the city centre and student villages which will bring you directly to church! Just DM/Email us for more information!

We have loads of other stuff going on in the week too, make sure you follow our socials to keep up to date!


Student life at Cornerstone;

Sunday Morning meetings// Sunday Evening worship nights// Tuesday Small groups// Alpha at the Pub// Mens football// Womens socials// Weekly community projects// Evangelistic events// Healing Cafe// Kingdom Intensive trainings// Relationship courses// Treasure Hunting// New Wine Cymru Events

We are connected with New Wine Cymru/Wales, Pioneer and the EA.


Small groups/ 20’s Together

We meet weekly for discipleship, prayer, mentoring and accountability.

This is an essential part of doing life with us here at Cornerstone. It creates space for us to support and encourage you throughout your time here in Swansea!

Socials - Beach BBQ's// Men's football// Girls nights// Student Lunches // Student Weekned away

We're a church that love to invest in young people! We love every member to serve and get stuck in. We also want to invest in you, to lead, be trained up and have hands on experience!

Our Socials are the best way to get connected into the community and make strong friendships. We always have exciting plans throughout the term which you can get involved in!

We’ll also have student lunches running throughout the first term, which is a great opportunity to meet the rest of the students here at Cornerstone!

Feel free to get in touch with Chloe our student worker on: if you want to find out more! 

Find us on instagram @cornerstonestudentss as we’d love to connect!


20s & Student Weekend 2025

Booking deadline = Friday 31 January