What’s On


Sundays at venue2


Our Sunday meetings take place at venue2 in Morriston. We meet for an 11am start, ending by 12.30pm. Come for 10.50am to join in the whole service. Find us on Neath Road, Morriston, Swansea SA6 8EF.

  • Our Sunday meetings start at 11am and end by 12.30pm.

    Come for 10.50am to find a seat & join in the whole service!

  • Yes! Our services are family friendly. We have Children’s Activities (Sunday schools) during the talk for children ages 0 - 11.

    There is a consent form to fill in for your child on arrival.

  • Disabled parking spaces are available on the left hand-side as you enter the car park.

    There is wheelchair access through our cafe doors at the front of the building beneath the ‘venue2’ sign.

    If you require help, look out for one of the Car Park & Welcome volunteers in a High-Vis Jacket or Lanyard - who will be at the door prior to the meeting starting at 11am.

    If you have any questions or require any particular assistance, please feel free to contact us in the week. We are very happy to help.

    Email: info@cornerstonechurch.co.uk

    Tel: 01792 516031

    • Please stay at home if you have Covid or Covid symptoms

    • Please sanitise your hands at the sanitiser station on entry and continue to wash hands regularly

    • 2m social-distancing is no longer required, but please be mindful of others. Chat & mingle outdoors wherever possible

    • Wearing a mask indoors is now optional.